Monday 16 January 2012

Digital Natives vs Digital Immigrants.

Digital Natives and Immigrants are of great concern within the education system.  Immigrants in this respect are referred to those who were born before the beginning of the digital era.  As the workplace constantly improves and upgrades the Immigrants are struggling to keep up with the newest trends.  Those who do, however, leave their own personal accent on their style.  The teacher of today must learn to speak the language of the students and stay ahead of them to keep them guided.  A serious problem is that middle school students are being taught more about digital technology than teachers are.  To address this problem Immigrants yet again are on the struggling end of this scenario.  As we grow as a society, this will eventually fix itself.  Until such a time happens,  Immigrants will have to bite the bullet and try their hardest to keep up.


1 comment:

  1. Yes you are so right. Why are we(as teachers),behind with the technology? We do have to try and keep up with the 21st Century students...:)
